Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Singapore Fan Gets Free Look Round Highbury

Today of course there is nothing strange in seeing visitors from South East Asia at the Arsenal; it's a massive market football clubs are looking to bleed dry in the same way they have bled the fans on their own doorstep.

This letter comes from Gunners Magazine Volume 1, Number 12 which dates it at the begininng of 1995/1996 season.

It's a sign of the times of course but no shop staff would allow any fan to have a peek round the ground these days. Nope, pay your money like the rest of us!

I wonder if the writer, Lau Kok Gim from Singapore, is still a fan?

The magazine, by the way, boasted 52 pages and cost 2 GBP, unlike today when it costs 3.50 GBP and has 100 pages.

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