Striker John Kosmina of course had a short spell with the Arsenal in the late 1970s but made little impact and soon returned down under; now he is coaching an A League team I believe.
My first game in what was then known as the National Soccer League featured a dark haired striker who reminded me of Kevin Keegan with his mobility and directness despite not being the biggest player in the world. His name was Frank Farina, then with Marconi, who later blazed a trail to Europe at a time when player rarely did.
Then we have Ian Gray. He played for Australia against England in 1991 and had the misfortune to score the only goal of the game in the wrong net. I also think I may have met him one night at an FA Cup Final showing in Sydney but cannot swear to it. Tragically died a few years back.
Little Joe Watson, a few years later I saw him score a cracking goal for APIA, 35 years plus, in the mud at St George Stadium.
By the time I moved to Australia I had of course forgotten all these names; I had to start from scratch. But you just gotta love some of that facial hair!
DownUnder before Shanes and Megans turned it into a cast for soapies!
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